How to create positive energy in your home/ Feng Shui
In today's society/ world is full of negativity energy every where we go there is negative thoughts, negative energy specially if you live in a town or city. If you live in the countryside it is different.
And we have news Channels bombarding us with negativity every second into our home. That generates a negative energy in us that spreads across the home.
Your home must be your sanctuary full of peace, harmony, that's why you must create your own positive energy. Because once you open your front door not only you exposed yourself but your home to the negativity of the society. Not everything is negative but the majority of the things are.
So we can't use the flow of positive energy from outside. And we must generate that energy inside our homes ourselves.
Start by within you everything that makes you feel uncomfortable must be descarted, clothes personal objects anything that creates resonant negative energy must be descarted.
Now the hard part relationships if a relationship doesn't bring positive energy it's a descarted must the sooner the better this apply to all kinds of relationships.
We don't we can't and we will not tolerate negativity near us.
Any kind of drama is negatively energetic induced it's a no , out with it.
Them the home your home is your home it's for you and only you not for your friend.
So your home must make you feel welcome must make you feel in peace, must have a good flow of energy perfectly positive.
If you want to know more about just ask me, I will do my best